Nomination Guidance

This year we will be capturing just a few contact details online and asking nominators to complete their nomination offline.

We are also asking you to opt in to our very small number of promotional emails that we send out during the nomination drive each year. (We do this via mailchimp so it always has a unsubscribe button on the mail shot too.)

In general, our advice to nominators is to:

a) Ensure that your nominee is available for Judging on Friday 12th July 2019. This is the day on which judging of the shortlisted finalists for all categories take place and no alternative dates are available. We do our best to accommodate requests for interviews to be held in Welsh language. If possible, we will also utilise Skype, if that is helpful.

b) Read each question and provide your answer relating to that question only.

c) Please keep your answers evidence based and relevant to the question you are answering.

d) You are welcome to answer in point form rather than in paragraphs.

e) You only have 6 questions to answer; it is essential you answer them all.

f) The maximum answer length is 300 words in any one section – please do not exceed the maximum word count. However, neither do you have to write 300 words.

g) Confirm that you have discussed this submission with your nominee and that s/he agreed with the submission.