Nomination Guidance

This year we will be capturing just a few details online and asking nominators to complete their nomination offline.

In general our advice to nominators is to:

a) Ensure that your nominee is available for Judging on Friday April 29th 2016. This is the day on which judging of the short listed finalists for all categories takes place and no alternative dates are available. Those unable to attend in person may be interviewed by Skype if necessary.

b) Read each question and provide your answer relating to that question only.

c) Please keep your answers evidence based and relevant to the question you are answering.

d) You are welcome to answer in point form rather than in paragraphs.

e) Answer all questions.

f) Maximum answer length is 250 words in any one section – please do not exceed the maximum word count.

g) Confirm that you have discussed this submission with your nominee and that s/he are in agreement with the submission.

The results of the Judging are kept confidential until announces at the Awards Lunch & Ceremony on TUESDAY 14TH JUNE 2016.

On the Judging Day, following the short listed finalist’s interview we also film, take photographs for use on the website and event programme and finalise each finalist’s profile for our website.

When and where is the Awards Lunch and Ceremony?
The Awards Lunch & Ceremony is to take place on Tuesday 14th June 2016 at Hilton Cardiff. Tickets are £55 (+ VAT) and each finalist receives 1 complementary ticket. All tickets purchased must be paid for before the event. It is expected that all finalists will be able to attend.

How will you contact any Young Leader nominees who are less than 18 years old?
The Young Leader Award is for Young Leaders between 14 and 25 years old. If your nominee is less than 18 years old please do not provide their contact details, only their name. For those who are younger than 18 years old we will only communicate with him / her via their nominator.

Parental permission for Young Leader nominations for under 18 year olds:
We request that the nominator obtains a letter of permission from the parents of any nominee who is less than 18 years old and submits that together with their nomination document.


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Contact us
t: 07989 385 114