The Consortium
Our Vision
To contribute to making Wales a country where good leadership is admired, celebrated, emulated and valued by all as a key driver for economic growth.
Our Mission
To champion good leadership and influence leadership development by recognising, identifying and celebrating individuals, who through their leadership contribute to the prosperity of Wales.
Our Purpose
To develop and maintain annual leadership Awards that are talked about, covered willingly by the media, engage and attract nominations and sponsors, and in so doing create a network of individuals who exemplify good leadership in Wales.
Our Values:
Our declared values are
Leadership: the Awards inspire and motivate others to emulate award recipients
Innovative: the Awards break new ground in concept and delivery
Quality: every aspect of the Awards demonstrates professionalism
Simple: the Awards are straightforward to understand and to access
Sustainability: the Awards are an annual event, repeated year-on-year.
We have also agreed that the Awards should be: Pan Wales; cross sector; diverse; highlight leadership at all organisational levels; embrace bilingualism.
We believe:
Leadership is the key driver of any successful team, business or organisation and therefore ultimately of the economy of Wales.
ACCA Cymru Wales
CBI Wales
FSB Wales
Gofal Gair
Hilton Cardiff
Learning Pathways Cymru
Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)