Over the years a few times I have been told that “it’s embarrassing to be nominated or to be a finalist or winner, because really it’s all about everybody and not just me”.

I think it is essential that we tackle this notion head on once again! An essential element of any leader’s role is to inspire, encourage and support other employees and colleagues to develop their skills, to build their confidence so that they can really believe that they too are able to develop leadership skills and aspire to and achieve more senior posts, contribute to public appointments or Board appointments etc.

Many individuals (all inspirational leaders in their own right) have told me that one of the reasons why they are doing what they do now and achieving so much in their leadership role is that another person had (recently or some time ago) really encouraged and inspired them to believe in themselves, to learn new knowledge and skills and to aspire to and achieve promotion.

This act of “extending the ladder” to those coming up behind, encouraging them find their own self-belief and sense of purpose for what they wish to follow as their cause or vision or passion is incredibly important.

It is an essential activity of all leaders – to help develop the up and coming leaders.
You know me, I totally get that those who are inspirational leaders have an absolutely clear value that “it is not about me” but it IS about the team, the business or enterprise, community or organisation and the people it is there to assist, support, employ and so on.

However, “extending the ladder” is about accepting too your personal contribution and responsibility as “someone in Wales whose leadership is making a real difference” to encourage and inspire many others to “reach for the stars” and to be the best they can be and to provide the leadership we really need in all walks of life here in Wales in order to grow real prosperity and well being. So that together we can grow #thewaleswewant.

As a nominee or finalist or winner, it gives you the credibility to reach out and build links with others, to support them, mentor them (if unofficially) and encourage that building of self-belief and skills and hence be part of creating the future through ever-increasing leadership capacity, capability, networks and skills in Wales.

Some of our previous finalists and winners are contributing to the WG Be The Spark Project and inspiring and connecting with other entrepreneurs; some contribute to workshops and conferences and in so doing meet with and inspire and encourage others; some gain from the networking opportunities and work together with others from a sector that they would normally never work with and hence share those transferable leadership skills and inspiration; others meet like minded individuals and they mutually support each other; many of you I introduce to others to assist you with this. This is all about growing our leadership capability, capacity and networks in Wales and assisting via ever improved leadership to deliver a sustainable Wales.

Therefore, if your colleague wants to nominate you, be cheered and encouraged by your colleagues’ recognition of you, accepting graciously that recognition and with confidence and credibility use it to help others to also come along on their leadership journey.
So instead of saying “Oh no, that is just too embarrassing” when a colleague wants to nominate you, how about re-framing that question to “How will that help and inspire others on their leadership journey? What can I do to help others develop and aspire to be good leaders through this process?”
Go on – just do it! When a colleague asks to nominate you – say yes and help “extend the ladder” and contribute to growing even more Leaders in Wales.

Register and download nomination documents from https://leadingwalesawards.wales/nominate-2018/

Do please like, share and comment to help us uncover those leaders making a real difference in Wales – thank you!
Barbara Chidgey, Executive Chair, Leading Wales Awards